Return Policy: For products no longer wanted by the customer, unrelated to a warranty claim.  For warranty claims, please refer to our warranty policy

  • If you made a mistake on an order, please contact us immediately. We will happily work with you to get the mistake corrected, often without charging a change order fee.  If you need help determining what you need to order, feel free to contact us by phone or email.
  • Any orders not yet shipped may be canceled and refunded minus a 3% administration fee.
  • For any orders canceled after the product has shipped, but before the product has been delivered:
    • Your refund will exclude the original cost of shipping, fees caused by the interception of the shipment, and a 10% restocking fee.
  • Any product that has been delivered must be return shipped to Current Connected at the cost of the customer. A 10% restocking fee and original shipping charge will not be refunded.
    • Products must be returned to Current Connected within 30 days of the delivery date.
    • The product must be unused, undamaged, in its original, unopened packaging.
    • Products that arrive opened are subject to inspection & additional restocking fees – if product appears to be used, no refund will be issued. Used products may be re-shipped to the customer at the cost of the customer and no refund will be issued.
    • Products offered with “Free Shipping” will have the actual cost of the original and return shipping deducted from the refund.
  • Custom made products such as battery cables and cut-to-length PV wire are not returnable under any circumstances.
  • Critical Life-safety items (e.g. fuses) are non-returnable